Guang Yang (杨光)


Tianjin, China


At age 13, she left her hometown for the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Middle and High School, majoring in music composition. After six years of training, she became the first student composer in the school's history to hold an hour-long performance of original compositions before graduating from high school.

She received her Bachelor’s at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, United States, with academic honors. From 2016 to 2018, she is awarded full scholarship and stipend to pursue her Master's Degree at the University of Southern California, Thornton School of Music in Los Angeles, California. 

Favourite book or movie

Non-fictions, and big movie lover but can't remember movie names

Hobbies and favourite activites

Badminton, and I just started fencing, and I like it. Also cooking, but I just cook for myself so no one can judge my cooking skill. 

One fun item on my bucket list

Slow-to-warm-up personality. I would probably play cool when I first meet you. My name literally means sunshine in Mandarin. 


  • Composer for General Mi and the Pastry Chef



Yang, Guang (composer).JPG